Niels Avonds

An embedded software developer and architect, working at Nobi since January 2019 as Head of Software.

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Embedded Software

Board bring-up, Yocto recipe and system development, Linux kernel (configuration, device tree and drivers), U-Boot configuration, reliable remote firmware upgrades (A/B setup) using Mender or in-house solutions, GDB, FreeRTOS and embedded Android development. Linux userspace setup and configuration of systemd, udev, networking (WiFi, celular and powerline), BlueZ, Alsa, Pulseaudio and GStreamer. Application level software in Python, Golang, C or Java.

Software Architecture & Devops

Wide architectural experience ranging from embedded software over mobile apps and desktop software to scalable cloud applications, always focused on code quality, security, performance and allowing rapid future development. Experience with Domain Driven Design and Clean Architecture. Ready to set up your CI/CD pipeline for fully automated git-based deployment. Experience with Google Protobuf, RabbitMQ, Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, AWS, DigitalOcean, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Nginx, Caddy, LetsEncrypt, Jenkins.


Experience in working with large and small teams of software developers or functional analysts, using scrum and kanban methodologies. Always available to receive feedback and learn from others or to transfer my knowledge to team members.